Elevating Your Wardrobe + Mindset Through Style

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Invest in your style. Invest in yourself.

Are you tired of struggling with putting outfits together? Sick of wondering how the hell you have so many clothing items, yet nothing to wear? Feeling discouraged when out shopping? Spending WAY too much money on items that don’t actually work for you?

I know that you’ve struggled with at least one of the above. We all have at one point or another.

There’s nothing worse than a morning that is filled with chaos and panic: trying to get everyone up, fed, dressed and ready to get out of the door on time…PLUS squeezing in time for yourself to put together a flattering, comfortable and appropriate outfit for the function you’re on route to.

I get it. I’m a mom of 2 under 5. Mornings are BUSY to say the least…especially when you don’t have a wardrobe that isn’t set up to make your life easier.

Now imagine, how would it feel to know HOW to put together chic [and practical] outfits that flatters your body? To open up your closet doors and visualize all the different ways your clothes can be worn? To start feeling confident enough to wear a bit more colour? To actually enjoy shopping and leave the mall/stores feeling as though it was a success?

This doesn’t have to seem like a daydream - this can be your reality!

No matter the stage of your life you’re in, you can and DESERVE to look/feel absolutely fabulous in your clothing! Getting ready is inevitable - but let’s make it not only easy and enjoyable for you, but also empowering!

Style will help elevate all aspects of your life.

Did you know that 55% of our communication skills are non-verbal? This means that others are making assumptions of you based on what you’re not saying: your body language, posture, facial expressions and you guessed it - your clothes.

When your style is outdated or frumpy, others might assume that your skill-set is dated or that you don’t care to make the effort when getting ready in the morning. This could defer you from getting that promotion you want (and deserve!), might hold you back from landing that second date or make you feel underdressed when heading out with the girls or attending a networking event.

Style isn’t just putting together a cute outfit. It’s a reflection of you. Your brand. The way you want to be perceived.

When you’re happy with your style, you show up differently. You stand taller. You make more eye contact. You speak up. You’re more likely to be productive and go for what you want. When you start embodying the woman you desire to become, you and others around you will start noticing. The ripple effect is actually quite contagious. Let it start with you!

“It’s so nice that my wardrobe will be mindless in the morning - no more chaos or panic because I don’t have the right clothes.”

—Jackie S.

“Erin went above and beyond and I have never felt better about the options that I now have in my closet!”

—Kristin H.

“I highly recommend treating yourself to Erin’s services. They have simplified my life and I know it has saved me money in the long run.”

—Laura M.

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